When we see liberal policies in action, we realize that the overwhelming sense of "we know best" is at the root of the problem. The liberals simply believe that every person and every group that has failed or encountered hard times is inherently unable to function without their help.
The liberal can excuse the most heinous murder committed by some Third World denizen. They will simply accept the most brutal things done to women and gays by Islamic radicals. And in America, liberal politicians treat human beings like children. They feed them, house them, and take
care of their medical needs. Thus a childish level of behavior is really predictable, completely expected. The petulant fits of rage, the angry striking out at those who might tell them "no," and the refusal to accept even a basic level of self-reliance are all behaviors associated with children. And the liberals always seem surprised when those people who they've treated as children act childishly. Grown-ups take responsibility for their actions. Children are not held so accountable. And when someone takes responsibility for you for long enough, you never learn how to behave.
Our political betters tell us it's our fault, we are racist, we are anti-immigrant, we are stingy, we are mean, we are intolerant. Yet many of us can look back at our own families - only a generation or two back - and see that our grandparents or our neighbors didn't rely on government aid and didn't let language barriers, poverty, culture, or education stop them from assimilating into the American melting pot. I'm tired of being told it's my fault that people aren't making it in life and that I must pay their way. I'm tired of my children's future being imperiled by the vast numbers of those who will not do for themselves. Their great-grandparents didn't come here to enslave them to a government bureaucracy aligned with a ne'er-do-well sub-culture of native-born America haters, simply along for the ride, and immigrants who don't desire the better way of life that America has always promised, but rather wish to enjoy a more materially affluent version of their homelands.
These politicians who have promoted this are essentially giving their children toys rather than teaching them to to play ad make toys. Liberal politicians throw a few crumbs to those who have nothing. The recipients respond with fealty to the politicians. A few scurrilous figures in the community profit handsomely by constantly telling the children that they need the politicians. Most people remain only a little better off than they were before, but now many of them are less equipped to escae the cycle. And those who've made it out are forced to pay for it all. It's been said that democracy is doomed once people realize that government gives them the tools and the authority to dip into other people's pockets. The question before us then, is the one asked by children: "Are we there yet?"
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